Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Effects Of Rap Music On Social Behavior Essay

In society today, it is highly noticed that the role of rap music messages and video images of violence causes an increase in negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors which could lead to violence amongst youth. Rap music has been at the center of concern in regards to the potential harmful effect of violent media on social behavior amongst youth. This potential behavior could be seen in the music video titled â€Å"Kim† by Eminem. In this music video, the storyline, language and sound encourages hostile thoughts and feelings amongst its audience. In the music video, Kim husband catches her cheating on him in their home with another man, while he is away. However, when Marshall gets home and finds out that his wife is cheating on him, he gets upset, angry, and abusive and becomes violent towards his wife Kim. He screams at her saying that, if she moves again, he will â€Å"beat the shit out of her† (Line 11). Violence in rap music has increased in response to the compl ex interplay of changing social conditions such as the elevated levels of youth violence in the changing commercial practices within the music industry. Hence, the media influences violence in four negative ways, which contributes immensely to anger amongst youth which leads to aggressive behavior such as social violence, substance abuse, domestic violence, and negative perceptions of women. In the song, Eminem’s anger and emotions is used as a premise in the music lyrics, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Violence Of Rap And Rap1633 Words   |  7 Pagesis a culture that has developed rapidly this past century. Rap, over the years has changed in many ways such that it went from being condemned by the public to being mainstream, it is now being used to aid teens with psychological troubles, and more. 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Rap/hip hop is a  music genre that consists of a stylized  rhythmic music that usually accompanies rapping. Since rap music’s explosion, it took the industry and became the  important part of hip hop culture. It has advanced over time as a part of hip hop culture, which originated from urban youth in New York as a cultural movement. Its original listeners were primarily African Amer ica and it has spread around the world and hip hop has come to be a part forRead MoreRap Music And Its Effects On America1649 Words   |  7 Pages Rap was originally created as a means of self-expression, while conveying present conditions within marginalized African American communities. Attaining global awareness in America, rap music emerged as one of the most controversial genres America has seen, influencing both white and black culture. Birthed in the mid- 1970’s rap music came to fruition in the Southern Bronx area of New York City. As rap culture began to emerge and grow in New York, rappers began to utilize their voice and voice theirRead MoreDrugs in Popular Culture1317 Words   |  6 Pagesamongst teenagers and the popularity of West Coast Rap Music Introduction Marijuana has been around for hundreds of years and the use of marijuana has been becoming more and more popular especially among teenagers (Lee, 2012). Music has also been around for a very long period of time, in a vast aray of genres. What has changed in music however, is the references to drugs (specifically marijuana) especially in rap music. Marijuana references in rap music have increased by 27% percent from 1979 to 1997

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The High School At Dickson City Has Over 20 Classrooms

There were all sorts of space issues in our new digs. The junior high school in Dickson City had over 20 classrooms. There were less than 20 classrooms in the senior high school building. My section of seventh grade was assigned to have homeroom the weight room in the basement. This was the room where the football team had weight training. There was a weight lifting machine and loose weights. Desks were placed in this room over the weekend. Later, the weigh machine, benches and other items were moved to the boys’ gym that had the warped floor. The weight room is the same room that was the Woodshop when my father went to junior high school in that building. Because the floor in the boys’ gym was damaged, both boys and girls used the girls’ gym. Again, when the boys had Physical Education, the girls had study period, and vice versa. The girls changed clothes in the locker room on the second floor that was adjacent to the girls’ gym. The boys changed clothes in the locker room that was in the basement that was adjacent to the boys’ gym. We walked up and down two flights of stairs between the boys’ locker room and the girls’ gym in our gym clothes. They put desks in the part of the boys’ gym away from the weight lifting equipment. This is where we had Music class. Even though it was now being used as a music room, they did not put a piano in the boys’ gym. Instead of a piano, our Music teacher used a melodica. There were no facilities or equipment for WoodshopShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons of Chinese Immigrated to the United States Essay1717 Words   |  7 PagesStates Introduction In China, since the reform and opening-up, there have been two waves of immigration in the last century late 70s and early 90s. With the advent of a new century, China’s economy has come into the phase of rapid development and its informatization construction has been developed at a high speed. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice

Questions: 1. Summarizes the literature support for the project? 2. Discusses the findings trustworthiness and validity? 3. Identifies any conflicts, gaps, and over conclusions from the findings? 4. Discusses legal and ethical issues relevant to the articles or research topic? 5. Identifies the findings applicability to the clinical issue or topic with regard to policy, procedure, guideline, or protocol procedure that promotes an evidence-based practice change? Answers: Introduction This projects aims to develop a content outline of the provided clinical issue that is stroke. It will shed light on the importance of early recognization and treatment of the stroke. It will focus on a interview conducted for the carer in which it will discuss about the changing life of carer when their family members were affected by stroke. Lastly it discuss about the issues and the new technology that helps in assessing stroke. 1. Summary of the Literature Support In clinical article issue Clements, Hamilton, Johnson and Mujhtaba, in 2015 said stroke is a 2nd leading reason of death for industrial nations and a leading cause of disability in adult. According to this study, the major cause of stroke is lack of recognization of the symptoms and lack of proper assessment of the patients. Ischemic strokes are caused due to the blockage or in arteries that connect the brain. Patients with stroke were administered with t-PA within 60 minutes of their admission. Patients with symptoms like weakness, dizziness, sensory loss etc were diagnosed with acute posterior stroke( National Stroke Association, 2015). The most useful tools for assessing the stroke are NIHSS and FAST (Gulli Markus, 2012). Cecil, R., Thompson, K., Parahoo, K., McCaughan, E in 2013 in a journal of Advanced nursing states that there is a change in life of carer after their families are affected by stroke. Based on three broad categories the interview was conducted for the carers. First was about the impact of the stroke event on carer, the extrinsic factors that support the scenario of caring, and the factors, which help in coping the new role. These were further divided into 9 thematic areas changes to lifestyle such as worries and concerns, family support etc. Haley, W., Roth, D., Kissela, B., Perkins, M., Howard, G., in 2011, in a research article quality of life researches states that the point of the study is to evaluate the life after a stroke Harrison, J. K., McArthur, K. S., Quinn, T. J, in 2013 in article of Clinical Interventions in Aging states that utilization of an assessment tools and knowing the assessment scale can recognize strokes, which is useful for early treatment. Rubin, M. N., Fugate, J. E., Rabinstein, A., Flemming, K, 2015 in a journal, An acute stroke evaluation app: a practice improvement project states that adaptation and application of new technology like few apps in phones and computers for improvement of the treatment 2. Findings Trustworthyness and Validity From the above literature reviews, it was found that most of the patients identified with stroke on their admission were misdiagnosed. FAST assessment fails to diagnose the patients who are suffering from posterior fossa strokes. NIHSS and FAST that assesses motor function but may not detect the main signs of posterior stroke and often leads to misdiagnosis. Early recognization of symptoms, treatment reduces stroke, and it is an important way to reduce long-term effects on family and patients. Using effective assessment tools for detecting strokes help the caregivers (Clements,S et al). The main concern for caregiver was reoccurrence of the stroke or illness or further injury of their loved ones. The study emphasis that the stroke victims caregivers have negative impact by the experience and it is important for the nurse to cope with both the caregivers and stroke victims (Cecil,R et al,2013).. Results showed that the persons who are staying alone, Americans-Africans have a have a higher risk of low quality life, and depression (Harley,W et al., 2013) Application of new technologies results in fast detection and the treatment can be faster (Rubin, M. N,2015) . 3. Gaps and Conflicts In the above study, it was observed that most of the patients admitted with stroke diagnosis were diagnosed wrongly. This leads to failing of treatment of patients under the CMS and TJC guidelines and have a poor outcome ( Merwick, Werring, 2014). FAST assessment for the stroke patients fails to assess posterior fossa strokes, especially those who are suffering from visual disturbance and ataxia (Huwez Casswell, 2013). Wrong diagnosis leads to wrong treatment. NIHSS sometimes cannot detect all the symptoms of strokes and score 0, despite of having stroke. This leads to misleading of diagnosis and treatment (Kwah Diong, 2014) In the study of exploring carer for stroke patients data collection, it failed to include both the genders in equal amount. New technologies were used to assess the stroke but it needs more research for more improvement of detection of stroke. 4. Ethical And Legal Issues As in the above research studies many ethical and legal issues arises such as after the admission of the patient in the hospitals and misdiagnosis is leading to wrong treatment for strokes even many nontraditional strokes are misdiagnosed as strokes which all raises ethical issues. 5. Policy, guideline, procedure, protocol Qualitative descriptive METHOD Collection of data from the carers who participated 27 women and 7 men were done. Consent of carer was taken. Procedure- An interview was conducted based on three broad categories, Impact of stroke Extrinsic factors which support the carer Intrinsic factors which helps in coping the new role These categories were further divided into 9 thematic areas It was observed that major concern of the carer was reoccurrence of stroke or any other injury among the family members of the carer. This study gave an view of how the carer of stroke patients were impacted negatively by the experience (Cecil,R et al,2013). And it also concluded that the nurses shouLd be well versed with the methologies of coping both the patient as weel as the carer Conclusion From the above review literature study, we can conclude that proper assessment tool usage reduces the time as well as helps in early treatment of the stroke patient. The nurses must have a proper training for learning the assessment techniques as well as they must be well versed with the newer application of computer and mobile phone, for fast detection of the stroke. We must not forget that prevention is better than cure and early detection of the stroke may give life to many people if properly diagnosed and treated. Reference Kwah, L., Diong, J. (2014). National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS).Journal Of Physiotherapy,60(1), 61. doi:10.1016/j.jphys.2013.12.012 Cecil, R., Thompson, K., Parahoo, K., McCaughan, E. (2013). Towards an understanding Of the lives of families affected by stroke: a qualitative study of home careers. Journal ofAdvanced Nursing, 69(8), 1761-1770. doi:10.1111/jan.1203 Haley, W., Roth, D., Kissela, B., Perkins, M., Howard, G. (2011, August). Quality of life after stroke: a prospective longitudinal study. Quality of Life Research, 20(6), 799-806. Harrison, J. K., McArthur, K. S., Quinn, T. J. (2013, February). Assessment scales in stroke: clinimetric and clinical considerations. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 8, 201-211. doi:10.2174/CIA.S32405 Rubin, M. N., Fugate, J. E., Rabinstein, A., Flemming, K. (2015). An acute stroke evaluation app: a practice improvement project. The Neurohospitalist, 5(2), 63-69. doi:10.1177/1941874414564982 Gulli, G., Markus, H. (2012, February). The use of FAST and ABCD2 scores in posterior circulation, compared with anterior circulation, stroke and transient ischemic attack. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 83(2), 228-229. Merwick, A., Werring, D. (2014, May). Posterior circulation ischemic stroke. British Medical Journal, 348(7959), 28-34. National Stroke Association (2015). Stroke facts. Retrieved from:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Crime Drama TV Show Comparison Sherlock And Elementary Essay Example

Crime Drama TV Show Comparison Sherlock And Elementary Essay Since replacing radio as the most popular mass media, television has modernized lifes and revolutionized todays society. Bibs Sherlock and Cabs Elementary are two popular television shows that are often compared and contrasted because of their heritage to the iconic stories of Sherlock Homes. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective, conceived by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle in 1887. An analysis between these two adaptations, have revealed many significant similarities and differences. Both television shows till uphold many ideas and themes that can be traced back to the original stories of Sherlock Homes, but it is distinctly clear that Bibs Sherlock is a far more accurate representation of the Sherlock character. Bibs Sherlock is a modernized, yet accurate portrayal of the classic Sherlock, whereas Cabs Elementary is a modernized, mainstream adaptation of the classic Sherlock. It is evident that both shows differ greatly, they differentiate in their form and the social context they uphold. Although they have their vast differences, it is suspected that both shows aim towards and fulfill the same purpose and Hereford target a similar audience. Bibs Sherlock and Cabs Elementary contrast, in respect to their form and stylistic features. Sherlock is found to be considerably more dramatic, when compared to Elementary. This is based on the music used in both shows and the behavior demonstrated by both Sherlock. A quote from Bibs Sherlock Im not a psychopath! Im a high functioning sociopath.. Encapsulates his behavior completely. In contrast, Elementary Sherlock depicts a much lesser eccentric and theatrical character. In regards to behavior, Sherlock odd language in Bibs Sherlock, appears a lot more exaggerated than it does in Elementary. An example of this is, while thinking, Sherlock will often make it very obvious by emphasizing silence. This manipulates the audience as they anticipate for the next hint in solving the crime. Finally the use of music in both shows is used to induce certain moods. We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Drama TV Show Comparison Sherlock And Elementary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Drama TV Show Comparison Sherlock And Elementary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Crime Drama TV Show Comparison Sherlock And Elementary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Elementary uses a more mainstream approach by using the latest popular soundtracks, this creates a sense of familiarity. Whilst Sherlock only uses an orchestrated score. The use of music is noticeably more prominent in Bibs Sherlock. Dramatic music is used effectively to creating tension, by increasing the rhythm of the music, which signifies an upcoming suspenseful event. Sherlock and Elementary are two examples of an extensive list of entertaining crime shows. The writers and producers of these shows have ensured they achieve their purpose of entertaining their audiences. They have done so by incorporating an interesting storyline with well thought characters. The writers of Elementary have strayed away from the original Canon Doyle stories, but in doing so, they have still managed to maintain a similar level of implement and depth in their stories. This is not the case when it comes to Bibs Sherlock, the pilot episode A Study in Pink is directly derived from Canon Doles first novel A Study in Scarlet. Another aspect that plays a role in a shows entertainment factor, are the characters and how well their portrayed. Bibs Sherlock may have an advantage with award winning actors such as Benedict Cumberland and Martian freeman, but Elementary cast has proved to be just as good at portraying an believable representation of the Sherlock character. Both shows have also done a remarkable job in enforcing the relationship and compatibility between Sherlock and Watson, this increases the depth of the storyline thus making the shows more entertaining. It appears both Sherlock and Elementary are targeted at a similar audience, adolescences and above. As mentioned above both shows aim to entertain their audiences. That being said it can be assumed that both shows could be suitable for anyone with an interest in crime drama. Although it could be said that Bibs Sherlock is primarily targeted at a British audience, due to the cast imprisoning of British actors, and Cabs Elementary is primary targeted at a American audience, as its cast is comprised of American actors. However, both shows are non-restrictive in the content they show and how they show it. Television shows often explore many social issues, past and present. One issue explored by both shows is the gender of the main characters. The characters Sherlock and Watson are both played by male actors in BBC Sherlock, whereas in Elementary, Sherlock is played by a male actor and Watson is played by a female actor. In many ways, this issue relates back to owe accurate both shows portray the original stories. Elementary has outraged many Sherlock fans by casting a female actor to play the classic role of Watson. Casting a female in a traditionally male dominant role symbolisms how the times are changing and how society has begun to embrace gender equality. Bibs Sherlock and Cabs Elementary are both popular adaptations of Canon Doles timeless Sherlock character. Bibs Sherlock was found to be reasonably more dramatic when compared to Elementary, this was due to the behavioral differences between the two Sherlock and the music played urine the shows. Both shows also serve the same purpose of entertaining their audiences. This is achieved with a combination of an addictive storyline paired with well portrayed characters. As well as fulfilling the same purpose, both shows are also aimed at a similar audience. The casting of a female actor to play the male dominated role of Watson in Elementary, symbolisms a change in society and awareness for gender equality. Sherlock and Elementary might have their differences, but both shows are inarguably great examples of crime drama.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Othello Report Essay Essays

Othello Report Essay Essays Othello Report Essay Paper Othello Report Essay Paper In here, Othello talks about wanting to be remembered with fairness as one who loved too much, how he was tricked into extreme jealousy and as one who did not realize the worth of what he had. He expresses his desire to be recorded as the man who killed a Turk who insulted the state of Venice, and kills himself, dying on Desdemonas bed. Cassio was shocked as he had known Othello as the brave one. Lodovico then ended the tragic incident by asking Cassio to deal with the defeated Iago, asking Gratiano to guard the house leaving him with Othellos fortune. Iago pretty well convinced Othello that his wife was unfaithful. With this lie believed, he became extremely jealous and strangled Desdemona to death, realizing only too late that she is completely innocent after all. As he delivers his last speech, he reflects upon the period of his life and his service as the Venetian army. He describes his transformation from a proud soldier to a murderer. He demanded for the truth to be represented cleanly and asserts that it was his own foolishness and jealousy that caused Desdemonas death, and not the actions of Iago. From line 334 onwards was the romantic use of Othellos language. It was a speech that reestablishes his honorable nature and his greatness. Othello started talking to Lodovico. I have done the state some service this line implies that Othello reminded them who he was back in the past, how he made the state proud of him and his reputation. He commanded Lodovico to record his story faithfully. I pray you in your letters the word pray could mean that he is begging Lodovico to do what Othello says. Then you must speak Of one that loved not wisely, but too well; Of one, not easily jealous, but being wrought Perplexed in the extreme With these lines, Othello reviews the plays dramatic arc. Its brings back how Othello used to be in the beginning of the play, before the whole incident occurred. At the beginning of the play, he is a hero, proud, and dignified. His downfall was due to someone which he could not really control Iago. Like base Indian, threw the pearl away This was referring to Othello himself as he was a black just like an Indian. Base Indian could be the American Indian who did not value precious stones. Othello referred himself to an Indian because he did not recognize Desdemonas true value. Othello then breaks down into tears, something which he is not used to. Albeit unused to the melting mood He allows himself to express sadness at his own fate. Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees This indicated that Othello is having a real heartfelt break down, as he emphasizes that tears were coming down faster than normal, despite that he probably never broke down and cried before. Othello told Lodovico to record his tears, tells him how he once came upon a Turk beating a Venetian and violently killed him. There is a bit of contradictory here. In the beginning of the play, Othello was far more than black but now he has turned Turk and become a true racial outsider. In line 351, the circumcised dog these words sounds ultimately wrong to describe Othello. He could mean himself being betrayed, being a fool, being too gullible, being dumb all these words being put together. He then killed himself: And smote him, thus. It was the same way as the Turk being killed, as mentioned above. In this passage, there were also some words of racism such as Indian, Arabian and turbaned Turk. All these words were being referred to Othello himself when he made his speech. His final words summarized his position at the end of the play, regaining his composure. He started from a noble figure and dies as a murderer. His last speech emphasizes the tragedy of his downfall and perfectly encapsulates the themes of the play. Gratiano indicates that Othellos speech was something unexpected, something which he would never expect to hear coming out from Othellos mouth: All thats spoke is marred. This was probably because Gratiano never expects Othello to be in that state where he gives everything up. As he is dying, he says that he kissed Desdemona before he killed her with regret and sadness. This suggests that perhaps his love for her flickered briefly within his dark soul before he murdered her. He reminds himself that perhaps he was not wholly corrupt, but he dies knowing that his soul is lost. Lodovico speaks to Iago with harsh words. He called him a Spartan dog which meant savagery. More fell that anguish, hunger, or the sea He said that Iago was crueller than anguish, hunger and the sea. They are 3 totally different words that Lodovico that is used to compare Iagos cruelty. This emphasizes that Iago is inhuman, being crueller than anything else. The object poisons sight; Let it be hid. He referred to the sight of Othello slumped against Desdemona on bed as an object as they are already dead. The word poisons could also be referring to Iagos cruelty and unfaithfulness. He wants it not to be seen as not to let anyone be reminded of Iago. He also told Gratiano to grab hold of Othellos possession. As they succeed on you. He thinks Gratiano is the most capable one. Lastly, he told Cassio to decide what to do with Iago, which he referred to as the hellish villain, again emphasizing his cruelty. The next few lines of Lodovicos speech were sad words that ended this whole tragedy. He said he must return to Venice and with heavy heart relates this heavy act. He described both the heart and act heavy indicating the disaster Iago had caused. The speeches made at the last part of the play were all miserable. Othello made his last speech in that way because he wanted the audience to know who he really is before he dies. He speaks about his past service to the Venetian state and he describes himself not as a barbarous foreigner but as one who loved not wisely but too well, as one who was preyed upon and as one perplexed in the extreme. He has accepted what has happened and is willing to punish himself for it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Existentialism throughout the works of Camus essays

Existentialism throughout the works of Camus essays Camus The Myth of Sisyphus provides the philosophical basis for his additional novel, The Stranger. The two main characters of the novels both support Camus beliefs of existentialism. According to this philosophy, existence is emphasized, while abstract ideas are disregarded. It suggests that the meaning of life cannot be defined by human reason and that an individual must live solely based on what is known and discard anything that is not entirely certain. Through their inevitable fate, disrespect, assertion of freedom and choice, and indifference towards society, the reader can come to see a philosophical parallel between this mythological figure and modern freeloader. The existentialist person must live solely based on what is known and discard anything that is not entirely certain. This is shown by both characters through their understanding of fate. Sisyphus is sentenced to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain only to watch the rocks decent. Instead of living unhappily and dissatisfied for eternity, Sisyphus accepts his challenge of fate. The only certainty of his life is his fate, therefore, he must live by this challenge without question. Similarly, Meursault is sentenced to death and forced to ponder societys evils. When seeking to the chaplain, Meursault says that he wants to live with the certainties of his life, even if his only certainty is the each that awaits him. Both Sisyphus and Meursault hold the same existentialist belief seen by the understanding of each characters fate. Both Sisyphus and Meursault show a lack of respect towards their society. This disrespectful behavior of Sisyphus and Meursault may be justified by their yearn for freedom and choice. Sisyphus is accused of a certain levity toward the gods. He steals their secrets, ignores their orders, and all together shows no honor or obedience. This same a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mistakes from Pearl Harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mistakes from Pearl Harbor - Essay Example t is the hope of this author that a better and more complete understanding of each can be appreciated by utilizing the lens of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as a focal point to identify the failures of US strategy in preparing for and responding to such an attack. Though hindsight is always perfect, it is through an examination of past failures that the current student and/or researcher can hope to gain a level of inference into the means by which prior failures have occurred and why they have taken place in the precise means by which they have. Accordingly, the principles to be analyzed are as follows: objective, offensive, mass, economy of force, maneuver, unity of command, security, surprise, and simplicity. The objective of the raid on Pearl Harbor was clear and evident. Due to the fact that Pearl Harbor represented the highest concentration of American naval power in the Pacific region, an attack on such a target would yield a high level of reward for the enemy in that it could cripple the American ability to project force into the Pacific theater and held the potential of reducing the United States involvement in the Pacific to such a level that it would not be able to counter Imperial Japan’s actions and acquisitions. As the United States Army describes, â€Å"the ultimate military purpose of war is the destruction of the enemy’s ability to fight and/or will to fight†1. As such, the attack on Pearl Harbor was a clear and definitively targeted operation that was meant to destroy American capability. As a function of such an obvious threat and the concentration of American power that Pearl Harbor represented, it should have been perennially within the minds of the American military leadership that Pearl Harbor and other concentrations of American power within the Pacific region, as well as the rest of the world at that time, should be safeguarded beyond any level of steps that had previously been taken. As a function of the clear and