Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The High School At Dickson City Has Over 20 Classrooms

There were all sorts of space issues in our new digs. The junior high school in Dickson City had over 20 classrooms. There were less than 20 classrooms in the senior high school building. My section of seventh grade was assigned to have homeroom the weight room in the basement. This was the room where the football team had weight training. There was a weight lifting machine and loose weights. Desks were placed in this room over the weekend. Later, the weigh machine, benches and other items were moved to the boys’ gym that had the warped floor. The weight room is the same room that was the Woodshop when my father went to junior high school in that building. Because the floor in the boys’ gym was damaged, both boys and girls used the girls’ gym. Again, when the boys had Physical Education, the girls had study period, and vice versa. The girls changed clothes in the locker room on the second floor that was adjacent to the girls’ gym. The boys changed clothes in the locker room that was in the basement that was adjacent to the boys’ gym. We walked up and down two flights of stairs between the boys’ locker room and the girls’ gym in our gym clothes. They put desks in the part of the boys’ gym away from the weight lifting equipment. This is where we had Music class. Even though it was now being used as a music room, they did not put a piano in the boys’ gym. Instead of a piano, our Music teacher used a melodica. There were no facilities or equipment for WoodshopShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons of Chinese Immigrated to the United States Essay1717 Words   |  7 PagesStates Introduction In China, since the reform and opening-up, there have been two waves of immigration in the last century late 70s and early 90s. With the advent of a new century, China’s economy has come into the phase of rapid development and its informatization construction has been developed at a high speed. 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