Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Answer: Introduction: Burma represents a country with abundance of natural resources, richer cultural heritage and tremendous ethnic and mystical beauty. In other words, Burma is in possession of a colorful mix of culture, history, traditions and myths and is one of the largest countries in the Southeast Asia (Seekins 2017). However, in terms of per capita GDP, Burma is one of the poorest countries of Southeast Asia. The primary reason being the widespread poverty and lower levels of enrolments in school along with higher drop put rates. In spite of the cultural heritage and the wealthy natural resources, the countrys history is tainted by political violence, poverty and violations of the human rights. Reason for Change of Name from Burma to Myanmar Burma went through a succession of military coups during the 60s, 70s and the 80s after receiving independence in the year 1948 (Luyt 2017). However, the leader of the Coup, General Saw Maung, took a decision of changing its name to Myanmar. This was justified stating that Myanmar seemed more inclusive when it came to considering the ethnicity and the cultures of the minority in comparison to Burma. Moreover, Myanmar was derived from a name of ethnic majority. The Rohingya Crisis refers to huge migration of Rohingya people from the state of Myanmar in the year 2017(Ahsan 2016). They were collectively termed as the boat people by the international media. After facing decades of repression and discrimination under the successive Burmese governments, the people of Rohingya decided to migrate. They even faced denial of citizenship under the Citizenship Law of 1982 that made them biggest stateless population across the world. Those who were displaced by violent waves of the 2012 and 2016 faced restrictions on movement and lack of access to the necessary health care that have resulted in the dire humanitarian conditions. The later part of August 2017, saw around 671, 000 Rohingya Muslims flee to the Rakhine State of Burma for escaping the large scale military campaign of ethnic cleansing. The security forces of Burma committed atrocities like sexual violence, mass killings, widespread arson and various other crimes against the humanity although the civilian and the military officials have denied such an offence (Hasan 2017). Such atrocities became unbearable to the Rohinga Muslims that finally led to their migration. Nation Affected by Rohingya Crisis According to the estimated figures put forward by the United Nation, close to one million refugees of Rohingya found shelter in the refugee settlements of Cox Bazaar, Bangladesh (Gee 2017). This has been a strenuous situation for Bangladesh leading to the overcrowded condition is camps. The other nation that seems effected includes the neighboring countries like the India, China, Laos and Thailand. The key regional powers both India and the China has been cruel towards the Rohingya crisis. China blocked the attempts of meaningfully addressing the abusive treatment of Rohingya using its veto that helped in developing diplomatic ties with Burmese regime. Bangladesh also pushed the Rohingya back to the Myanmar. However, the United Nations (UN), United States along with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation led to the issuance of standard condemnations thereby sending the foreign ministers for the urgent talks with Myanmar. How Diplomacy Managed and Solved the Crisis China adopted a three-point plan that helped in solving the Rohingya Crisis (Prasse?Freeman 2017). The first point ensured the restoration of stability and order so that people can start living in peace. The second point put forward that all the parties must support and encourage Myanmar and Bangladesh should strengthen the exchanges and try finding out ways for solving the issue based on equality. It was also put forward that United States should take two-fold approach one ensuring the safe return of the Rohingya and the second ensured providing aid to Bangladesh for coping with the situation. The nations that has been actively involved in the Crisis in addition to China, India, United Nations and United States are Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Turkey Steps Undertaken For International Crisis Management I would have opened safe routes to the refugees Ensured the resettlement of the refugees including the people with medical issues and torture survivors Ensured that no lives are lost in the process People fleeing atrocities like the Rohingya allowed crossing the borders without travel documents Prosecution and investigation of trafficking gang that exploits migrants and refugees Ensured protection of the refugees under available refugee convention or through UN agencies References: Ahsan Ullah, A.K.M., 2016. Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar: Seeking Justice for the Stateless.Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,32(3), pp.285-301. Gee, J., 2017. Bangladesh, Southeast Asia Worried by Rohingya Crisis.The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,36(7), pp.39-40. Hasan, M.M., 2017. The Rohingya Crisis: Suu Kyis False Flag and Ethnic Cleansing in Arakan.Irish Marxist Review,6(19), pp.50-61. Luyt, B., 2017. A wound that has been festering since 2007 The Burma/Myanmar naming controversy and the problem of rarely challenged assumptions on Wikipedia.Journal of Documentation,73(4), pp.689-699. Prasse?Freeman, E., 2017. The Rohingya crisis.Anthropology Today,33(6), pp.1-2. Seekins, D.M., 2017.Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar). Rowman Littlefield.

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